Tag Archives: march photo challenge 2012

march photo challenge, a recap

9 Apr

Back at the very end of February I decided to take on the March Photo Challenge. Since the only thing I do on a very, very regular basis is breath, I figured making it through a full month of posting daily photos would be quite the accomplishment.

And for me, it is.

Well, for the first 25 or so odd days.

There may have been a couple of snafus in there, and then there was the whole leaving for vacation thing (which had not been decided upon at the beginning of the month, otherwise I doubt I would have tried to tackle the challenge, given that I would have, at best, intermittent Interwebs access while lolling about on sandy beaches, am I right?) but overall, it was a month of learning for This Girl. In no particular order:

Lessons I Learned While Participating In the March Photo Challenge:

  • There are only so many objects in one’s house that you can shoot and then somehow twist their symbolism into something of a deeper meaning than simply being a photo of Mr. Coffee.
  • And I don’t even like coffee. Mr. or otherwise.
  • My camera phone takes surprisingly decent pictures.
  • Granted, those pictures were then typically heavily edited, but decent base pictures nonetheless.
  • Sometimes I am forgetful, and posts would not happen until the absolute eleventh hour.
  • Wait, no, I already knew that. Scratch this one off the Lessons Learned list.
  • When you take pictures of your shoes while sitting at an airport bar, people start looking at you a little funny.
  • I am no Ansel Adams or Annie Leibovitz. I will never win a Pulitzer for photography. (Or anything else, for that matter.) But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a love for photography all the same.

Would I do it again? Yes, yes I would. I like forcing myself to think and see things around me in different ways. And then again, some days you get lucky and the perfect photo opportunity presents itself, which is a pretty cool feeling.

Did you participate in a March photo challenge? What was your experience like? 

march photo challenge: day thirty-one

7 Apr

Today’s theme: END

Where she stops, nobody knows.

march photo challenge: day thirty

7 Apr

Today’s theme: MIDDLE

Through the center window. Not such a bad view for lunch.

march photo challenge: day twenty-nine

7 Apr

Today’s theme: BEGINNING

The start of a very tasty evening.

march photo challenge: day twenty-eight

7 Apr

Today’s theme: MATERIAL

A capture of Point Udall, the eastern most point of the United States’ territory. If you get up early enough and head out there, you can be one of the first people in the country to see the sunrise. But that, as I mentioned, would mean getting up early, and I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to do on vacation.

march photo challenge: day twenty-seven

6 Apr

Today’s theme: STAMP

Yes, I realize that March, along with its Photo Challenge, has been over for a few days now. But just when I was chugging along, posting photos daily (except for a few snafus), almost to the end of the month, BAM! We went and left for vacation.

Not that I am complaining.

Because let’s face it, if you’re complaining about or while on vacation, you’re kind of an asshole.

But I do want to fulfill my promise (unspoken, to myself, and to you, dear Interwebers) and will finish out this challenge.

And so, for the day 27 theme of stamp you all get a loving shot of my gym shoe’s emblem under blacklight, taken while sitting in the bar in the Puerto Rico airport, sipping Presidente beer and waiting for our next flight, on our way to our island destination.

Who loves ya, baby?

march photo challenge: day twenty-six

26 Mar

Today’s theme: EXHAUST

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Except for today, when I need it to be extinguished for photo challenge purposes.


Oh, alright…


There. Happy now?

You’re welcome.

march photo challenge: day twenty-four

25 Mar

Today’s theme: CARROT

(A day late. M’bad.)

This was the carrot, the reason I ventured out into the cool, drizzly neighborhood, taking myself 2.5 miles hither and thither at a good clip. Chiapperelli’s in Baltimore may have the best manicotti I’ve ever had, and if you think I didn’t eat the whole plate, you’re wrong. And then sugared up on a treat from Vaccaro’s afterwards. Which may explain the food coma I found myself in later that night. Which also probably explains why I completely forgot to post this yesterday, and you’re getting it today.

march photo challenge: day twenty-three

23 Mar

Today’s theme: WASTE

As I was snapping this picture, the following conversation occurred:

Swede: Baby, I think we may be turning into white trash.

Me: Why do you say that?

Swede: Because one of us is taking pictures of spent shotgun shells.

march photo challenge: day twenty-two

22 Mar

Today’s theme: THROUGH

The last cup of the day. OR IS IT?